Global Deliver Moly-99
“The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men…” a quote from Robert Burns’ poem To A Mouse, seems appropriate for the quest to produce a domestic supply of Moly-99. The solution to the problem seems obvious to many and that is the building of a reactor here in the Continental U.S., where it can be used for the purpose of producing a domestic supply of Moly-99 and other isotopes. One company in particular, Shine, has made progress and is projecting the building of a reactor in Janesville, WI in a cornfield. The Federal Government recently invested $25 million of the necessary $100 million to get the project underway. Now, the other reactors sites where we produce our Moly-99 appear less enthusiastic about this potential reality. They warn of siting issues, regulatory hurdles and years of waiting for commissioning of a nuclear reactor and the ultimate FDA approval of the products produced for use in humans. As with most issues of supply and demand, this story isn’t over just yet. As the players adjust to the changing environment, I predict the outcome will not be based on who spends the most but who faces the least resistance when supplying market demand.
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