Universal’s SPECT SENSE Program
When Nuclear imaging professionals demand top-quality SPECT systems, that includes everything from cameras to service, support, training, and parts. But for imaging department directors who must tackle the total cost of ownership, the economics can be incredibly challenging. Reconditioned systems can deliver affordable up-front pricing, but total cost and throughput determine true success or failure over time.
Enter Universal’s SPECT SENSE program, an innovative customer-centric approach to imaging system ownership that alleviates the pain of tight fiscal policies at hospitals and clinics. Essentially, SPECT SENSE boosts customer purchasing power while offering the premium support needed to achieve high performance. Loyalty program members receive flexible discounts on complete SPECT systems, parts, training, and field services conducted by Universal’s certified technicians.
One simple monthly payment covers up to twenty valuable components and resources under a three-tier plan customized to improve cost-effective throughput for nuclear medicine departments under different spending scenarios.
Find out more about Universal Medical’s SPECT SENSE loyalty program. Get economical like-new performance and lower total cost of ownership for your Nuclear Imaging operation.